Version 0.2 released!

Right before making this devlog, I've decided to publish the next version of the game.

It's the next version being called 0.2. There is no such special name.

There was (some) changes in the game, such as a possiblity to escape the entity,

But the only time I tested it I had 2 entities go through a tight corridor right in front of me resulting in me dying instead of escaping.


Fixed miss-placement of wall

Fixes since 0.2.1:

Infinite jump removed (Cooldown was added after I removed it and forgot about it while prototyping a jump)

Fixed buttons stretched to very high sizes


Movement heavily changed with the following changes: Jump, Camera Clamp, Heavily shortened (from around 110 to around 50)

Entity can now be escaped?

Map cleaned up a bit

Credits heavily changed

Random spawn points for the player

- Community Manager / Lead Developer


LITB 0.2.1 33 MB
Apr 13, 2023
LITB 0.2 33 MB
Apr 13, 2023

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